March 15, 2021 In the Philippines, God’s Food Basket is reaching out to share the Lord’s provision. By: Sharnie Zamora, Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, and Adventist Review…

The Southern Asia-Pacific Division (SSD) launched its first Pathfinder honor on Biblical Languages (Hebrew) held on Feb. 28, 2021. As of the launch date, 230 Master Guides, Pathfinders, and Adventist…

Door het coronavirus zijn we nog steeds niet terug in het ‘oude normaal’. Het thema van Contact (uitgegeven door het ESDA Instituut) van maart 2021 is ‘Normaal’. Verschillende auteurs gaan…

The reason for the meeting was the approaching Defender of the Fatherland Day, which turned out to be a good opportunity to tell everyone who attended the meeting about Jesus,…

March 13, 2021 Holding classes has been difficult for remote students with limited internet access. By: Lorraine Atchia, Adventist Record, and Adventist Review One year after being forced to close due…

During this month dedicated to raising awareness of colorectal cancer, Fabrizio Luca, MD, chief of Loma Linda University Cancer Center’s division of colon and rectal surgery, elucidates why this cancer…

Gosse bracht zijn jeugd door in Leeuwarden. Hij was een actief jeugdlid van de kerk en al op jonge leeftijd werd hij organist van de gemeente. Nadat hij trouwde met…

March 12, 2021 The year 2021 marks 15 years since the New Testament was published in the Gagauz language. By: Ruslan Bulgak, Euro-Asian Division, and Adventist Review  Seventh-day Adventist church…

Hello, friends! Today I have an incredible story to share with you, showing how God reaches people where they are and keeps His promises in amazing ways. This is the…

Recognition was the keynote of the action developed by volunteers, who distributed flowers to women from Espírito Santo who work with urban cleaning. Young people from the Colatina Central Adventist…

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