Zo’n 13 miljoen mensen konden in 2020 voor het eerst de Bijbel in hun eigen taal lezen. Zij spreken een van de zesenveertig talen waarin de Bijbel of een deel…

March 29, 2021 Initiative seeks to help young people make smart choices about health and life. By: Adventist Development and Relief Agency, and Adventist Review The Adventist Development and Relief…

The Seventh-day Adventist Church and Hope Channel partnered together to develop Heroes 2: The Bible Trivia Game. It was published March 25, approximately eight years after the original version of…

It started with gratitude: A simple idea to acknowledge and appreciate the dedication of healthcare workers who serve all of us. Faith Rivera, a young adult at Younger Generation Church…

March 27, 2021 In U.S. county, initiative is set to make a difference among historically at-risk population. By DonaJayne Potts, Loma Linda University Health News Incorporating Black churches and clergy…

Zondag 21 maart organiseerde Rozita Panneflek, penningmeester van de Nederlandse Unie een webinar met de inspirerende titel ’Finance out of the box’. Ruim 20 penningmeesters uit de verschillende gemeentes/churchplants volgden…

Determined to positively impact people’s lives, young people from Espaço Novo Tempo in Imperatriz, in Maranhão, decided to dedicate a week to carry out actions that bring hope to people…

The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) in India, with support from Reckitt Benckiser (RB), a consumer goods company and producer of health, hygiene and home products, is set to…

March 26, 2021 Young physician says she now wants to support other students and help them thrive. By: Edward Rodríguez, Southern Asia-Pacific Division, and Adventist Review A Seventh-day Adventist student…

In de vergadering van 4 oktober 2020 heeft het Landelijk Bestuur (LB) van ons kerkgenootschap de werkgroep ‘vrouwelijk leiderschap’ ingesteld. Het LB benadrukt hiermee dat vrouwen belangrijk zijn in het…

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