The East-Central Africa Division (ECD) is pleased to inform the Seventh-day Adventist Church members and the public that pastor Lemack Barishinga was released from the Bujumbura Central Prison in Burundi…

February 9, 2021 By: General Conference Presidential Dear Brothers and Sisters in Burundi , What a privilege to see the hand of God in our lives as we see the…

Tiputini is a rural area located in the province of Orellana, Ecuador, with an average of 600 inhabitants and which can only be accessed by river boat. Bryan Espín and…

Dr. Kalapala John Moses, who served as executive secretary of the Southern Asia Division (SUD) from 1998-2005, passed away on Sunday, February 5, 2021. He was 83 years old.  Moses was…

De dienst op sabbat 13 februari 2021 waar Gabriel Asumadu Kwayie in het ambt van predikant bevestigd zou worden, is uitgesteld. Reisbeperkingen Door de huidige reisbeperkingen rondom corona krijgen de…

February 9, 2021 Rollout of rapid-test equipment touted as one of the best ways to control the virus. By: Carla Martin Tucker, La Sierra University News Public health officials have…

Editor’s Note: Since May of 2019, the Adventist Church members in Burundi have endured ongoing persecution from the country’s government. On October 24, 2019 the president of the Burundi Union…

People living with cancer and their loved ones must constantly reassess their condition in relation to COVID-19 and its onslaught of risks, safety measures, and precautions—most recently, vaccines. Gayathri Nagaraj,…

Op verzoek van het departement Jongeren & Gezinnen heeft Patrick Nab speciaal voor alle jongeren in de Nederlandse Adventkerk een enquête ontwikkeld. Hij volgt momenteel de opleiding Media en Entertainment…

February 6, 2021 Hinsdale Medical Center earns prestigious award for its clinical excellence. By: Julie Busch, Lake Union Herald AdventHealth has named AMITA Health Adventist Medical Center Hinsdale in Illinois,…

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