Jul 05, 2020  |  Georgia, United States  | 

Closing Down or Opening Up?

Tad Stauffer generates leads at a county fair; Stauffer, a literature evangelist, is now able to follow up on these leads.

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Literature evangelists (LEs) are facing unusual challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. While these challenges appear daunting, the pandemic has also provided some unique opportunities. Even when some doors are closing, so to speak, others are opening. 

Each LE in our region has been counseled to follow the local ordinances where they live regarding COVID-19 protocol. As they have practiced social distancing, they have found God is still able to work and open hearts. Here are several recent experiences from LEs in the Southern Union Conference. 

The Right Timing

Tad Stauffer gives his presentations on the porch of the house in order to remain at a safe distance. Most of his contacts were initiated by working three or four county fairs, then visiting the 1,400-1,500 names obtained throughout the year. He recently followed up on one of these interests.

When Stauffer knocked on the door, a woman answered, but did not open the door. Instead, she lowered the glass of the storm door and talked to him through the screen. She explained that she was self-isolated because her husband had the coronavirus and was getting treatment. As Stauffer offered to come back later, he went to his car to get a magabook entitled, Fighting Disease with Foods. He set it on the porch and offered to have a word of prayer for the woman and her husband. As he did, tears flowed down the woman’s face. When he was finished she declared, “God sent you just at the right time.”

Photos, Videos, and Zoom!

We have encouraged our LEs to reconnect by phone with the thousands of people who purchased books in the past. Spiritual encouragement is the intent behind the phone call, and prayer is offered with families for their needs and protection. It is amazing how this opens hearts when their doors are closed to other visits.

Yvonne Pondexter, an LE in the Atlanta, Georgia, area, recently took up this method. She said, “I felt impressed that even though in my area I did not feel I could go door to door, I still needed to reach people for Jesus.” Pondexter came up with several creative ways to reach potential customers and allow them to view her books. She sends pictures of the titles, short videos she created, or does Zoom conference calls to discuss the books. 

Most of all, Pondexter continues to fervently pray. She is amazed how God has opened hearts and impressed people with the need for the printed page. “In just a day and a half, more than $1,000 of truth-filled literature was ordered and relationships were redeveloped.”

Off the Bookshelf

Today, as people are not able to socialize regularly, the printed page stands out as a witnessing tool. Many of the books that people purchased in the past are now coming off the shelf as people seek to understand the times in which we live.

A woman who mailed in a card just a few weeks ago asking for information about health books, watched closely as Patti Morris, an LE, showed her the materials. Suddenly, she interrupted with a question, “Are these Seventh-day Adventist books?”

“Yes, they are,” Morris replied.

“Well, about 20 years ago a person came to my home and I purchased a set of books called the Bible Reference Library by Ellen G. White,” the woman continued. “That woman was inspired. I loved the artwork, and the message was so beautiful. I found out those books were Seventh-day Adventist. And it is strange, but for the last few weeks I have been thinking I need to find out more about Adventists because maybe I need to become one. So I prayed, ‘Lord, help me find a Seventh-day Adventist.’”

“Today is your divine appointment,” Morris exclaimed. “I am an Adventist!”

God is still in control. Doors open and close, but God has His timing for reaching open hearts. He is looking for people who want to be His messengers in these exciting last days!

— Keith Reid is associate publishing director for the Southern Union Conference, and Tim Leffew is publishing director for Georgia-Cumberland Conference.

This article was originally published on the North American Division’s news site

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