We announced our partnership with the Seventh-day Adventist Church at Annual Council in Maryland to advocate for the 262 million children who are not in school because every child has…

Together, the Seventh-day Adventist Church and its humanitarian agency, ADRA, is launching a global campaign to reach 1 million signatures to present to world leaders to advocate for #EveryChildEverywhere to…

When you educate a child, you don’t just change one life, but the life of their family, their community, and future generations. When every child receives an education, the whole…

In honor of World Refugee Sabbath and World Refugee Day, you can stand up for refugee children who are 5 times more likely to be out of school than other…

Thank you to all our donors who wrote messages of hope to the beneficiaries they supported during our Life Saver campaign! Your generosity and kindness is spreading joy! source

Right now is ADRA’s annual matching appeal for children! Every dollar you donate will be DOUBLED for children like Damy. Without urgent help, children like Damy will die. Caring for…

Jonathan Duffy, ADRA’s President, urges support for Cyclone Idai and other recent disasters. To learn more on how ADRA is responding, visit ADRA.org/DuffyAddressesCycloneIdai source

Glorimar lost her home and her future in a cyclone. Every day countless people like Glorimar face injuries, sickness, unsafe water, and lose the ability to make a living as…

This is what five years of disaster response looks like, and it’s all thanks to ADRA supporters like you! Your generosity has helped us reach more than 2 million people…

In 2016, Cyclone Pam wreaked havoc in Vanuatu. One of the buildings badly damaged was a boarding school. With no other high schools in the province, students had to resume…

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