It’s been more than a week since the heavy rains caused devastating floods in Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul, leaving more than 530,000 people without a home. ADRA continues to…

Meet Michael, Senior Coordinator Network Preparedness, whose journey exemplifies the power of compassion during a crisis. In the midst of adversity, a smile and a change of heart can transform…

Meet Sonya Funna Evelyn, ADRA International’s Vice President for Sustainable Development. Her journey with ADRA was fueled by a deep desire to serve others and make a meaningful impact. Sonya’s…

In 2023, ADRA responded to various emergencies worldwide, extending aid where needed most. From the devastating aftermath of natural disasters to conflict zones and communities grappling with crises, ADRA stood…

Meet Leiza Augsburger, Programs Director for ADRA Switzerland, whose wish is for everyone to know they are not invisible. “Let people know that they matter and they are loved and…

ADRA’s ongoing humanitarian efforts in Ukraine continue two years after the onset of armed conflict. From providing food and shelter to offering psychological support and medical care, ADRA remains dedicated…

Meet Ralph, ADRA International’s ambassador and former president, who during the 20th century, was a part of a life-changing project. “God blessed ADRA to where we were able to eradicate…

Meet Rudy, a humanitarian who has been serving for over 40 years. Join us for a behind-the-scenes glimpse of Rudy and his experience in ADRA, as he shares he shares…


Some of our interns are back answering questions about their experience as interns at ADRA! Hear what Railyn, Princess, and Genesis have to say in this Part 2 of Meet…

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