Mission Unusual Tokyo, the day Beirut exploded, and mission in America’s pacific northwest. Join us as we explore mission around the world. source

En 2016, l’Église adventiste du septième jour a accepté de créer une école de médecine au Rwanda, suite à l’invitation du président du pays. En 2019, l’École adventiste de médecine…

Have you ever preached a sermon? Juge is a boy in Rwanda. He preached his first sermon when he was 2 years old. Today, Juge is 9 years old. He…

Você já pregou um sermão? Juge é um menino em Ruanda. Ele pregou seu primeiro sermão quando tinha 2 anos de idade. Hoje, Juge tem 9 anos e já pregou…

¿Ud. ha predicado un sermón alguna vez? Juge es un niño de Ruanda. Él predicó su primer sermón cuando tenía dos años. Hoy, Juge tiene 9 años. Ha predicado en…

Avez-vous déjà prêché ? Juge est un jeune Rwandais. Il a prêché son premier sermon à l’âge de 2 ans. Aujourd’hui, Juge a 9 ans. Il a prêché dans plus…

Your mission offerings at work in Timor-Leste, supporting an Adventist School in Laos, and mission in Montreal, Canada. Join us in experiencing how mission is making a difference around the…

Mission in Cambodia, terrific Tuesdays in New Zealand, and perspective on mission in Quebec City. Join us as we take a look at mission around the world. source

Imagine being in Eugowra, Australia more than 100 years ago, when a bike-riding Adventist literature evangelist comes on the scene. He has no idea that someday, his visit to this…

Imagine estar em Eugowra, Austrália, a 100 anos atrás, quando um evangelista de literatura adventista de bicicleta entra em cena. Ele não tem ideia de que, um dia, sua visita…

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