An original song written and performed by Hirata Kenshiro and accompanied by Risa Horita from Tokyo, Japan. source Through artistic expression Seventh-day Adventist church members get creative in Western Russia to tell their neighbors about Jesus. Adventist Mission Seventh-day Adventist Church SDA source
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The Falkland Islands are so far off the map that it has one of the closest cities to Antarctica. How can the good news reach such an isolated people? source
Every year thousands of Seventh-day Adventists set out to plant a church. We thank God for the literally thousands of new groups that have been planted and established since Global… – Adventist Mission source
After 20 years, Benson finally finished reading a book that he believes is full of truth. He struggled with but eventually found freedom through the printed word. source
Gary Krause shares a first-hand story of a Global Mission pioneer living in an intense situation. Pioneers are working around the world to spread the message of Jesus! source
Iveel faced a difficult transition when he moved to the Philippines from Mongolia. Iveel is now in the fifth grade, and he lives back in his home country of Mongolia….