source Even in silence, you can see what faith sounds like at a church in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Adventist Mission Seventh-day Adventist Church SDA source
This quarter’s Thirteenth Sabbath Offering projects will benefit an active church in Sicily, Italy as well as a school project in Romania! Thank you for your support of mission! source
Watch the impact a humble pioneer can make. As the ripples of his work reach many who may never have heard the name of Christ. From the conversion of a…
Ety’s interest for the Bible grows and she begins to study and pray. But her biggest fear is to shame her family by her new found faith. What will she…
Christ was clear in His approach of reaching people. He came to bless and take interest in people’s lives. In Chicago, Illinois, members of EPIC Church are following Christ’s method…
Global Mission pioneers in China, the 13th Sabbath Offering projects from the Trans-European region and mission work in North America. source Adventist Mission Seventh-day Adventist Church SDA source