Em Assunção missionários adventistas estão trabalhando com todas as classes de pessoas para o Reino de Deus. Desde detentos, que tem uma igreja dentro do presídio mais podre da país,…
This episode examines some of the preconceptions about foreign missions and the progress of the Gospel vs. the reality of the situation. Very engaging. Join us on the tour of…
Today we travel to India where many Adventists students face a major challenge to their faith. They are required to take the exam on the Sabbath day. We also visit…
If we look at the entire world population – over 7 billion people – only 1 in 3 consider themselves a follower of Jesus Christ. That’s what Global Mission is…
One of the best ways to follow Christ’s method of ministry is through urban centers of influence–small centers of wholistic outreach. Today we’ll talk with Wes Via, director of Simplicity,…
In this episode Pastor Doug and the team takes Nicole, a graphic designer just graduated from college, to the Adventist Mission Hospital in downtown Bangkok to show some designs she…
The excitement, the challenge, the sheer chaos of India. 1.3 billion people and rising. That and much more coming up next on Mission 360. source
Let’s join a Global Mission pioneer in one of Africa’s largest cities; Lagos, Nigeria. How does he share Jesus with millions around him? source