Today we’ll be looking at the power of prayer and power of people who care. A couple of years ago, experts estimated that there were 2.5 million new AIDS infected…
Every year hundreds of Adventists answer the call to mission service as volunteers. source
Today we visit house churches in Cuba, a church plant in China, and we talk to Pastor Milton Adams about “simple church” – a home church movement that’s reaching people…
On today’s program we are focusing on the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church around the world. From remote tribal regions to the large urban areas, so many people still…
Just a single encounter with another human being can make all the difference in someone else’s life. What people have impacted your life? We’ll find out how one man’s life…
More than 1.3 billion people live in China, the world’s most populated country. Despite many challenges, the christian church is growing in China and some predict it’s on it’s way…
On today’s program we’ll meet Myron Isenminger, Undersecretary of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Myron and his family served as missionaries to the Middle East and just recently in Asia. source
How much has the world changed in 100 years and what recent demographic shift is creating a major challenge for mission? source
Coming up on Global Mission Snapshots, mission in the Cameroon and how to relate to other world religions. source
Today we’ll be talking with Joe Watts, disaster response coordinator for Adventist Community services in North America, about how the Adventist church is helping when people’s lives are disrupted by…