The country of Japan is a challenging area for the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Work here has been slow, but the Adventist Church is trying new methods to touch the lives…

The churches in Japan are struggling. To solve this problem church leaders decided to send Korean pastors to help the Japanese churches. Pastor Suzuki is a Japanese WWII veteran. His…

Childrens story featuring two young girls, whose parents are missionaries in Japan. When the power went out trapping them in their apartment buildings elevator, the girls remembered the power of…

Today we’ll be seeing how two little girls are learning to trust God as they live with their parents who are sharing God’s love with people in Tokyo, Japan. One…

The Seventh-day Adventist Church is working in diverse cross section of environments to spread the Gospel. From the busy cities of Taiwan and Japan, to the vast plains of Mongolia,…

Pioneer Mission Movement Pastor Yu Chuan Fu is planting a new congregation among the Chinese people living in Japan. He and his wife have started studying the Bible with the…