November 17, 2020 Despite their ordeal, volunteers keep praying and reaching out to thousands every day. By Edward Rodriguez, Southern Asia-Pacific Division, and Adventist Review The typhoon-battered Philippines was still…
In een interview dat algemeen secretaris Enrico Karg 17 november afnam, vertelt voorzitter ds. Rob de Raad dat er zowel op Curaçao als in Nederland tv-opnamen zijn gemaakt van de…
EE ditor’s Note: Below is a transcript of a message, posted to YouTube on November 13, from president of the Adventist Church, Ted N.C. Wilson. Elder Wilson will release a…
II dentity and mission” was the theme of the International Theological Symposium, which had the virtual participation of more than 15,000 pastors, leaders, elders, and members of the Adventist Church…
November 13, 2020 Inter-European Division financial report highlights God’s blessings, challenges ahead. By: Inter-European Division, and Adventist Review The financial report of the Inter-European Division (EUD) of the Seventh-day Adventist…
Het 30e boek van Reinder Bruinsma is verschenen in de serie Adventistische Perspectieven. De titel van zijn nieuwste boek is ‘Ik heb een toekomst’ en heeft als onderwerp dood, opstanding…
TT he Adventist Development and Assistance Resources Agency (ADRA Brasil) will assist the population of Amapá in the wake of the recent emergency decreed by the state government due to…
November 13, 2020 Initiative seeks to promote wholeness and wellness, coordinators said. By: Laura Marrero and Inter-American Division News Seventh-day Adventist-operated Montemorelos University in northern Mexico recently launched a virtual…
SS outhwestern Adventist University has been selected as a recipient for a $90,000 Nursing Innovation Grant Program (NIGP) award under the 2020-2022 RFA (request for applications) entitled “Supporting Clinical Learning…
Op 20 september 2020 nam de gemeente Rotterdam–Noord afscheid van Gladijs Engletine Bimmel-Blackman. Ze werd geboren op Curaçao en groeide op in Suriname. Op jonge leeftijd vertrok ze naar Nederland…