Neeltje Krottje was 42 jaar lid van de gemeente Enschede. Indrukwekkend was haar enorme overlevingskracht en haar vermogen om ondanks alles toch hartstochtelijk van het leven te genieten. Tijdens de…

SS eventh-day Adventists in Brazil took to regional beaches to share the everlasting gospel in spite of pandemic restrictions. With the coronavirus, gyms remained closed. Even after the publication of…

November 7, 2020 Fifteen-episode series is part of the ‘I Want to Live Healthy’ initiative. By: Keila Urbano, Inter-American Division News The Seventh-day Adventist Church in North Mexico, together with…

YY ou may have heard that popular saying: “Money doesn’t grow on a tree.” However, Adventists from Fortaleza, Brazil, have proven that it is possible for a tree to give…

Einke Tuinsta groeide in Amsterdam op als zevendedagsadventist. Toen hij ter wereld kwam was zijn moeder al lid van de Adventkerk en zijn vader zou later ook tot de kerk…

FF ollowing a battle with cancer, Seventh-day Adventist music legend Max Mace passed to his rest November 4, 2020, one day before his 83rd birthday. His family said Mace was…

November 5, 2020 Through the years, Maranatha Volunteers has built more than 2,000 churches across the country. By: Julie Z. Lee, Maranatha Volunteers International It’s a request that Don Noble,…

OO n October 30, a powerful earthquake struck the Aegean Sea rattling the countries of Turkey and Greece. It was felt as far away as Athens and Istanbul. Turkey and…

TT wo aid relief workers employed by the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA), along with an unidentified person, were released on November 3 by anonymous captors in the Democratic…

November 3, 2020 Secretary’s report focuses on membership, missionaries, training, and COVID-19. By: Mylon Medley, North American Division News Kyoshin Ahn, executive secretary of the North American Division (NAD), delivered…

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