Every year thousands of Seventh-day Adventists set out to plant a church. We thank God for the literally thousands of new groups that have been planted and established since Global…

A Global Mission pioneer coaches volleyball, the director for ADRA in New Zealand, and Adventist volunteers working in Cyprus. source

Let’s journey to northern Myanmar to see how education and a dedicated Global Mission pioneer are sparking hope among a tribal group known for having a distinct trait; long necks!…

Tokyo is the world’s largest metropolitan area with almost 40 million people. The challenge of reaching a city of this size might seem impossible, but God can use anyone, even…

A young generation of missionaries in Mongolia, a center of influence in Santiago, Chile, and mission in North America. source

A 10 year old girl shares her faith with her friends. source

During this week in #AdventistHistory, the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists moves its headquarters, evangelism for Koreans in Japan begins, Ellen Harmon is baptized, and the Advent movement comes to…

Mission work in Northern Asia is growing, but there is still a challenge. Please pray for faithful workers in places like Japan and Korea, as they spread the gospel message…

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