It is always an emotional and touching moment to witness missionary families dedicating their lives to the Lord in gospel ministry. That is exactly what church leaders and members witnessed on a high Sabbath during Northern Asia-Pacific Division’s Year-End Meetings in November 2022.
“Once a Missionary, Always a Missionary”
This well-known phrase describes a missionary’s dedication. The Pioneer Mission Movement (PMM) Dedication Sabbath of the NSD at the Seoul English Institute Church reminded us of how true this is. Sabbath School was devoted to interviews with the first-batch PMM missionaries and Dr. Lee JaiRyong, the founder of this great missionary movement. Pastor Kim SunHwan, NSD Adventist Mission director and PMM coordinator, served as the host for the program.
Former PMM missionaries shared how life-changing their service in the mission field was. The testimonies also gave us insight on the impact missionary life has on the entire family, especially the children. It was a great blessing to hear beautiful testimonies from the mission field. Dr. JaiRyong reminded the former and current missionaries that being a missionary is not an easy task. Nevertheless, he concluded the interview by saying God will provide, no matter what.
True and Faithful
The worship service was full of expectations and joy as five new PMM families were dedicated for service as missionaries: Pastor Kim Sun’s family to the Philippines, Pastor Ha HangRae’s family to Saudi Arabia, Pastor Lee SeungJin’s family to Japan, Pastor Jung SungYong’s family to Indonesia, and Pastor Choi BongKil’s family to the Middle East. These five families are joining the previous 141 PMM families since 2003. Dr. Kim YoHan, NSD president, gave an inspiring sermon challenging them to be true and faithful missionaries and be equipped with a pioneering spirit as they begin the work for countless people who have not yet heard the three angels’ messages. Responses from the missionaries brought tears to the eyes of the congregation as the missionaries pledged to be faithful no matter the circumstances.
May the Lord continue to guide and bless their steps as they follow His command: “Go and make disciples of all nations.” As sending missionaries, we will be behind them with our prayers as well.
The original article was published on the Northern-Asia Pacific Division website.