The South West Papua Mission has reported unexpected membership growth during the period of COVID-19, with a total of 24 small groups now meeting across the Gulf Province and Western Province.

“During the first lockdown most of the church leaders were not happy for the small groups . . . thinking that in the process we would lose membership. However, the outcome was otherwise,” said South West Papua Mission president, Pastor Jeffery Tangea.

He says that small groups are a sign of the last days, and that excitement throughout the mission is very high.

From July 16 to 19, the mission conducted outreach in Popo, a village in the Gulf Province, which included Sabbath worship, the sharing of food and distributing Bibles. This, in addition to various church members starting up small groups, has created dozens of new connections with people interested in the Adventist message. The small groups have also attracted people that used to attend an Adventist church.

This article was originally published on the website of Adventist Record


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