Apr 22, 2019 | Colombo, Sri Lanka |
The Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Southern Asia-Pacific expresses its deepest sympathies to the families and friends troubled by the horrifying incident in Colombo, Sri Lanka on Easter Sunday, April 21, 2019. 290 were reported killed and more than 450 individuals injured as random blasts destroyed four hotels and three churches around Sri Lanka’s city’s capital. While the number of casualties continue to rise, our hearts and prayers go out to the families who lost their love ones, and to the foreign victims from eight nationalities whose lives were taken by this indiscriminate act of terror.
We are all God’s children, and in these moments, our unity and compassion are needed more than ever. We are one with those who grieve. As a church we reject any form of ferocity. Our thoughts and our prayers are with Sri Lanka as we invite everyone around the world to continue praying for the families whose hearts are broken. As they continue to mourn for their loss, let’s pray for healing and recovery.
As sons and daughters of Christ, it is our commission to be an avenue of hope and love to everyone amidst diversity specially in moments of tragedy.
The Southern Asia-Pacific Division