Sunil estava trabalhando no escritório quando começou a sentir-se tonto. Ele foi levado às pressas para o hospital e descobriu que sua vida nunca mais seria a mesma. source

Sunil estaba trabajando en la oficina cuando comenzó a sentirse mareado. Rápidamente fue llevado al hospital y se enteró de que su vida nunca sería la misma. source

Your contribution to the 13th Sabbath Offering makes a difference in people’s lives. Let’s visit a completed project in New Zealand and an upcoming project throughout the South Pacific. source

Sunil was working in the office when he started feeling dizzy. He was rushed to the hospital and learned that his life would never be the same. source

In Bangladesh, thousands of Rohingya refugees have settled in camps. The ADRA International president visits one of these camps to share the challenges and what ADRA is doing to help….

We’ll follow a Rohingya refugee in Bangladesh to see how she escaped a difficult situation. Her new home poses new challenges, but ADRA is there to help. source

ADRA’s Keep Girls Safe initiative has been a refuge for many young girls in Thailand. Let’s visit them to hear how one girl’s life was transformed! source

Au Bangladesh, des milliers de réfugiés rohingyas se sont installés dans des camps. Le président d’ADRA International, visite un de ces camps pour partager les défis et les projets développés…

Conheça uma refugiada Rohingya de Bangladesh. Veja como ela escapou de uma situação difícil. Sua nova casa apresenta novos desafios, mas a ADRA está lá para ajudar. source

Em Bangladesh, milhares de refugiados Rohingya se instalaram em acampamentos. O presidente internacional da ADRA visita um desses campos de refugiados e nos conta os desafios do trabalho da ADRA…

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