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An Adventist archeologist leads the Church’s work in Israel. source

The Seventh-day Adventist Church shares the gospel message in many ways. Let’s see a few examples from the Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division. source

Cuando un matrimonio de Brasil fue llamado a servir como misioneros en África, sus vidas cambiaron drásticamente. ¡Visitémoslos en Mozambique para ver sus vidas en un campus universitario adventista! source

Even through difficult situations, God shows His love for His children. Let’s visit Southern Africa to see how God has worked in people’s lives. source

Global Youth Day is a day where young people miss one sermon to become the sermon. Let’s see how youth around the world are becoming the sermon! source

Something went terribly wrong as Vitalina prepared to give birth to her second child. She began to bleed heavily, and the doctors mistakenly gave her the wrong type of blood…

Joanna tomou sabia decisão depois de participar em uma semana de oração em sua escola adventista. Vamos ver como esta escola impactou os estudantes na segunda maior cidade do país…

Lorsqu’un couple marié brésilien a été appelé à faire une mission missionnaire en Afrique, leur vie a radicalement changé. Rendons-leur visite au Mozambique pour voir leur vie sur un campus…

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