Lorsqu’une catastrophe survient, ce sont souvent les plus vulnérables qui luttent le plus. La pandémie de COVID-19 a mis les familles à faibles revenus du monde entier dans des situations…

Cuando el desastre golpea, a menudo los que más sufren son los más vulnerables. La pandemia del COVID-19 puso en serios aprietos a familias de bajos ingresos en todo el…

Quando ocorre um desastre, os mais vulneráveis sofrem mais. A pandemia da COVID-19 colocou famílias de baixa renda em todo o mundo em situações difíceis. Alguns têm sido incapazes de…

When disaster strikes, the most vulnerable often struggle the most. The COVID-19 pandemic put low-income families around the world in difficult positions. Some have been unable to provide for their…

Nung was determined to learn English. So when an Adventist English language center opened in her town in Northern Laos, she jumped at the opportunity. source

Nung était déterminée à apprendre l’anglais. Aussi, lorsqu’un centre adventiste d’apprentissage de l’anglais a ouvert dans sa ville du nord du Laos, elle a sauté sur l’occasion. source

Nung estaba decidida a aprender inglés. Así que cuando se inauguró un Centro Adventista de Inglés en su ciudad, al norte de Laos, aprovechó la oportunidad. source

Nung estava determinada a aprender inglês. Então, quando um Centro Adventista de Língua Inglesa foi inaugurado em sua cidade, no norte de Laos, ela aproveitou a oportunidade. source

Join us as we visit Southern Africa this quarter. We’ll see some of the wonderful ways God is working here! source

Mr. and Mrs. Mpofu knew that their animals were meant for the Lord. As the couple watched over their livestock, they felt inspired to do more for God. source

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