Vladimir is fearless! His job as a Global Mission pioneer requires him to be bold and share a special message in Moldova. source
Most people would turn around if they saw a sign that read, “Beware! Bad dog. Do not enter.” But Rudolph and Annette were not afraid of this sign. source
Sunil estava trabalhando no escritório quando começou a sentir-se tonto. Ele foi levado às pressas para o hospital e descobriu que sua vida nunca mais seria a mesma. source
Sunil estaba trabajando en la oficina cuando comenzó a sentirse mareado. Rápidamente fue llevado al hospital y se enteró de que su vida nunca sería la misma. source
Sunil was working in the office when he started feeling dizzy. He was rushed to the hospital and learned that his life would never be the same. source
A mobile clinic in Mexico is the perfect way to bring healthcare to those who can’t visit a regular doctor. Let’s go to Villahermosa to join one of the bus…
Una clínica móvil en México es la forma perfecta de brindar atención médica a quienes no pueden ir a un médico. ¡Vamos a Villahermosa para participar de una de las…
A teenage girl is instrumental in educating villagers about health. In India, programs set up by ADRA have been a huge benefit to the people. source
Une adolescente joue un rôle clé dans l’éducation des villageois sur la santé. En Inde, les programmes mis en place par ADRA ont été très bénéfiques pour la population. source