When doctors told Resta he had type 2 diabetes, he had no idea what to do. He was immediately put on three medications, and none of them seemed to help….

Elias et Melina ont quitté leur domicile en Argentine et se sont installés sur l’île méditerranéenne de Chypre. Ils sont devenus des bénévoles adventistes et gèrent maintenant un centre urbain…

Elias and Melina left their home in Argentina and moved to the Mediterranean island of Cyprus. Check out the Meeting Point, a Global Mission Urban Center of Influence, where they…

Elías y Melina dejaron su hogar en Argentina y se fueron a vivir a la isla mediterránea de Chipre. Se hicieron voluntarios Adventistas y ahora dirigen un Centro Urbano de…

Elias e Melina deixaram sua casa na Argentina e se mudaram para a ilha mediterrânea de Chipre. Eles se tornaram voluntários adventistas e agora gerenciam um Centro Urbano de Influência…

Mission is being done in many ways throughout the Trans-European Division. Adventist volunteers, Urban Centers of Influence, and other forms of mission all play a part in spreading the gospel!…

Mercy moved thousands of miles away from home to go to school. She missed her friends and family. When she ran into trouble at school, she found help in her…

Mercy mudou-se milhares de quilômetros de sua casa para poder ir à escola. Mas ela sentia saudade dos amigos e da família. E quando teve problemas na escola, encontrou ajuda…

Mercy a fréquenté une école à des milliers de kilomètres de chez elle. Ses amis et sa famille lui manquaient. Quand elle a eu des problèmes à l’école, elle a…

Deeply depressed, Consuelo abandoned her belief in God until one day she visited an Urban Center of Influence and met Michelley and Angy. From this point on, her life changed!…

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