December 16, 2020 Pastors Milijan Popvic and Gys Seegers will provide spiritual support to military families. By: Lorraine Atchia, Adventist Record, and Adventist Review For the first time in its history,…
De jaarlijkse Bijbelquiz vindt plaats op sabbat 30 januari 2021, vanaf 15.00 uur. Ondanks het feit dat wij midden in een pandemie zitten, is er voor gekozen om de Bijbelquiz…
FF ourteen precious souls surrendered their lives to Christ through baptism on Sabbath, November 1, at the Ras Al Khaimah Adventist church in the United Arab Emirates. The new members…
AA lthough the Seventh-day Adventist message first reached Japan in 1889, the church’s message—and Christianity as a whole—has come up against intense resistance in a nation that is nearly 70…
December 14, 2020 In Australia, Adventists Bible workers are reaching out where no one else seems to go. By: Maryellen Fairfax, Adventist Record Adventists have been traveling to remote outback…
Download hieronder de zendingsberichten van dit kwartaal. Zendingsberichten volwassenen Zendingsberichten kinderen Zendingsvideo’s Vragen over het materiaal? E-mail Jacob Engelgeer van departement Ontwikkeling & Toerusting. Looking for mission quarterly in English?…
SS abbath is a day marked by spiritual programs and community among Adventists who attend the Moinhos de Vento Adventist Church in Porto Alegre, Brazil. After the morning service, they…
December 13, 2020 Initial contact and months of Bible studies took place entirely online. By: Emanuele Fonseca, South American Division, and Adventist Review In this year of 2020, interpersonal relationships…
DD uring the early hours of the morning, 81-year-old Richard Lillywhite—a new convert to the Adventist faith—was robbed. “There were three teens and one adult. One of the young guys…
Door het coronavirus kunnen veel fysieke bijeenkomsten en trainingen nog steeds niet doorgaan. We hebben deze met pijn in het hart moeten annuleren of uitstellen. Gelukkig zijn er ondertussen vele…