November 20, 2020 Global conference stresses contributions, possibilities for Adventist health-care leaders. By DonaJayne Potts, Loma Linda University News For the first time, Loma Linda University Health held its annual…
Sinds maart van dit jaar is het samen kerk zijn totaal anders dan we altijd gewend waren. Dat geldt ook voor de kindersabbatschool. Kerkdeuren dicht, scholen dicht en lesgeven online….
November 20, 2020 New thrift store initiative honors the memory of slain pregnant teen. By Kathleen Morrissy, for Lake Union Herald In April 2019, Marlen Ochoa Uriostegui, a South Shore…
SS abbath school leaders at the Cole Seventh-day Adventist Church in Sint Maarten wanted to shed light on breast cancer, a disease that claims many lives every year. A Let’s…
Rika werd geboren in de Veluwse plaats Heerde in een familie met sterk agrarische wortels. Zij verhuisde als 18-jarige naar Apeldoorn om bij een huisartsenpraktijk te gaan werken. In 1954…
EE ditor’s Note: Below is a transcript of a message, posted to YouTube on November 13, from president of the Adventist Church, Ted N.C. Wilson. Elder Wilson will release a…
November 19, 2020 Adventists open churches to assist thousands affected by extensive flooding. By Victor Martínez and Inter-American Division News More than 150,000 people suffered damage to their homes and…
Er wordt momenteel hard gewerkt om het jaarverslag over 2019 van ons kerkgenootschap samen te stellen. De productie is in volle gang. De planning was om het jaarverslag kort na…
DD on’t fool yourself into thinking things are going to get better. Things will only get more complicated and confusing,” said Seventh-day Adventist World Church President Pastor Ted N.C. Wilson…
PP edreira Paulo Leminski, in Curitiba, known for receiving different attractions in the city, became a place of worship due to the drive-in Impacto Esperança, with biblical messages shared by…