We learn about the first Adventist missionary to Bermuda, the growth of the Adventist Church in Iraq, and about Ellen G. White’s Great Controversy vision. source
Les chiens et leurs propriétaires à Quito, en Équateur, sont ravis que les bénévoles du programme Une année en mission fassent désormais partie de leur communauté. Les jeunes bénévoles sont…
Dogs and their owners in Quito, Ecuador are thrilled that One Year in Mission volunteers have become part of their community. The young volunteers came to share the love of…
In many of ADRA’s projects around the world, we encourage the construction of something called a Tippy Tap. Learn more! ***** Adventist Development and Relieve Agency (ADRA) is the global…
Los perros y sus dueños en Quito, Ecuador, están contentos de que los voluntarios de Un Año en Misión se hayan convertido en parte de su comunidad. Los jóvenes voluntarios…
Os cães e seus donos em Quito, Equador, estão entusiasmados porque os voluntários da One Year in Mission (Um Ano em Missão) se tornaram parte de sua comunidade. Os jovens…
Saviez-vous que l’Église adventiste du septième jour a un plan stratégique pour les cinq prochaines années ? Ce plan s’appelle I Will Go [J’irai] et il permet à l’Église de…
Did you know that the Seventh-day Adventist Church has a strategic plan for the next five years? The plan is called I Will Go and it continues the Churchu2019s mission…
This week, let’s learn about how the Adventist Church has grown in Brazil! source
¿Sabía Ud. que la Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día tiene un plan estratégico para los próximos cinco años? El plan se llama Yo Iré y continúa con la misión de…