This week, learn about missionaries Anton Baybarz and Hampton and Ruby Walker. source

Dr. David Trim speaks about the Lanes, the Greenages, the organizations of the first Adventist church in Colorado, and the evangelistic efforts of M. E. Cornell and Amy Dartt. source

This week, Dr. Kenrie Hylton tells us about the Rio Sanitarium, Richard Daly, and Kwahu Hospital. source

Dr. David Trim talks about Steen Rasmussen and the first-ever Youth Congress, the death of pioneer missionary E. S. Butz, and the creation of the Iowa-Missouri Conference. source

Dr. David Trim speaks about the General Conference sessions which started on July 10th, the first Seventh-day Adventist congregation in Oman, the opening of Pacific Union College, and the death…

Dr. David Trim tells us about the first series of tent meetings in Vancouver, British Columbia, a pioneer missionary to Sweden, the 56th General Conference session, and the very first…

Dr. David Trim discusses the teacher’s institute of 1888, the first conference of Adventist teachers; early evangelistic meetings in Vernon, British Columbia; the opening of two academies in the Philippines;…

Dr. Kenrie Hylton shares with us about Washington Adventist Hospital and the first Adventist church organized in Quito, Ecuador. source

Dr. David Trim speaks about Harvey Edson Rogers, the first statistical secretary of the General Conference, and shares details about the 45th General Conference Session. source

Dr. David Trim talks about Central Myanmar Adventist Seminary’s beginnings, the first missionaries to Alaska, and the creation of the Zambia Union Mission. source

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