The coronavirus was spreading, and schools were shutting down across the United States and the rest of the world. Eleven-year-old Katelyn and her 9-year-old sister, Kallie, ended up back at…
This week we learn about Clayton and Mollie Potts and their work in Peru, as well as the 1897 General Conference Session. source
El coronavirus se estaba propagando y en todo Estados Unidos, y en el resto del mundo, se cerraron las escuelas. Katelyn, de once años, y su hermana, de nueve, debieron…
Le coronavirus se propageait et les écoles fermaient leurs portes aux États-Unis et dans le reste du monde. Katelyn, 11 ans, et sa sœur Kallie, 9 ans, se sont retrouvées…
People come to North America from all over the world, for many reasons. Let’s see some ways that immigrants to the United States are being ministered to. source
This week, we learn about Klaas Tilstra, an Adventist pastor, evangelist, educator, and administrator. You can read more about him at source
L’église adventiste du Japon a invité la Conférence générale et la Division Asie-Pacifique du Nord à s’associer à elle pour créer Mission Unusual [Mission d’exception], un mouvement massif d’implantation d’églises…
The Adventist church in Japan invited the General Conference and the Northern Asia-Pacific Division to partner with them to create Mission Unusualu2014a massive church planting and disciple making movement. Let’s…
La Iglesia Adventista de Japón invitó a la Asociación General y a la División de Asia-Pacífico a participar con ellos para crear Misión Poco Común, un movimiento de plantación masiva…
A Igreja Adventista no Japão convidou a Associação Geral e a Divisão do Pacífico Norte-Asiático para para criar a Missão Incomum – um grande movimento de abertura de igrejas e…