Jan 07, 2020  |  Silver Spring, Maryland, United States  | 

Australian bushfire: trees silhouettes and smoke from bushfires covers the sky and glowing sun barely seen through the smoke. Catastrophic fire danger, NSW, Australia

Australian bushfire: trees silhouettes and smoke from bushfires covers the sky and glowing sun barely seen through the smoke. Catastrophic fire danger, NSW, Australia [Photo Credit: Getty Images]

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Please pray for Australia! Our hearts go out to our dear brothers and sisters down under, and to the entire country of Australia as they are experiencing a catastrophic situation with long-burning fires—resulting in enormous loss of life and property. So far, the fires have burned more than six-million hectares (12.35 million acres) of land across Australia, at least 24 people have lost their lives, and more than 1500 homes have been destroyed, including many belonging to Seventh-day Adventist church members. In addition, camp meetings, summer camps for youth and various uplifting and inspiring events have been cancelled due to the raging fires. Tragically, Australia’s treasured wildlife has suffered tremendously. The loss of koalas, kangaroos, birds and more has been horrific, with estimates of nearly half a billion of God’s creatures dying in the fire. 

We are thankful to the Adventist Development and Relief Agency for actively providing help in various communities of Australia, and for the Adventist churches and members across the country who have helped in various ways and contributed generously and widely during this time.

Let us plead that God will give each one in Australia strength, courage, and fortitude in the midst of this very trying and difficult situation. Let us pray that God will send rain, and that the winds will calm. And let’s remember to pray for the firefighters who are bravely battling the flames, and for those who are caring for the many people affected by these fires. Surely tragedies such as this are yet another sign that the Lord is coming soon! Let us pray for strength and courage to share the hope that we have with a world desperately in need of a Savior. 

—Ted N.C. Wilson, president
Seventh-day Adventist World Church

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