Jun 04, 2020 | Morisset, NSW, Australia |
Hillview Adventist Church (Morisset, NSW) celebrated five years of continual daily prayer on Monday, May 25.
Since 2015, a group of 4-21 people have been meeting on the church premises at 5:30 each morning to share a short scripture and pray for 30 minutes. Not one day in five years has been missed.
During prayer time, the group uplifts the names of family and friends found in a green prayer box that church members have requested to be remembered in prayer. Additionally, each week a different church family is notified that they will be prayed for.
“Over the years God’s hand has been seen at work in the lives of both those who pray and those who are prayed for,” said church member Mary Fedorow. “1 Thessalonians 5:17 urges Christians to ‘pray without ceasing’ (KJV) or to ‘pray continually’ (NIV), and Hillview’s dedicated prayer warriors have certainly been putting that scripture into practice.”
This article was originally published on the website of Adventist Record