Apr 07, 2020  |  GAiN Europe  | 

Most of us know somebody with coronavirus or, perhaps, have it ourselves. Sadly, some of us know friends or family who have lost the battle.

Pedro Torres is a survivor. Along with six others, he chooses to speak out about his battle, his faith and his hope as a ‘virus victim’. You will be encouraged and moved by this video.

This latest #dearcoronavirus video is the third in a series produced by GAiN leadership in Europe along with active partners from other parts of the world.

You can watch the whole series in this YouTube Playlist or on Facebook.

#Dearcoronavirus is a positive message of hope being shared around the world in multiple languages. Be part of this program of hope by sharing with your circle of friends across your social media platforms.


This article was originally published on the Trans-European Division’s news site

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