May 12, 2020  |  Bucharest Romania  | 

Turn Pandemic to Hope

One third of Romania’s Adventist churches simultaneously clicked GO LIVE on their various social platforms, offering their first-ever collaborative social media evangelism campaign

Approximately 300 official Facebook pages and 30 YouTube channels of both churches and other Adventist organizations broadcast the same programming live at 8:00 every night between April 25 and May 3. 

From the very first minutes of the broadcast, the video was distributed by volunteers on WhatsApp lists and groups. As a result, tens of thousands of people accessed a strong biblical message, creatively adapted to respond to the situation generated by coronavirus.

The show ran for 50 minutes each night, 15 minutes of which were reserved for the biblical presentation. The rest of the time was divided between discussing the sermon topic with guests in the studio, and live music. 

The interactive format of the event allowed the online audience to submit questions, which could be answered in real time during the event. The volunteers who managed each live account managed their own public audience, moderating the comments and posting food for thought.

“Pandemie de speranță” was broadcast from a studio set up at the Adventist church headquarters in Maryland, U.S., and was called “Turn pandemic to hope.” The Departments of Internet, Communication and Mission from the Romanian Union closed the program at the end of the final broadcast.

There were three platforms where the live broadcast was shown: Individual Adventist church Facebook pages, official church YouTube channels, and, the official website of the church in Romania, accessed by 75,000 new visitors, registering almost 3,000,000 requests. Users from 45 countries received ebook and audiobook gift every night, which were downloaded a total of 7,200 times. Around 5-7,000 people watched the event live every night, and more than 150,000 people tuned in on the final evening.

“We pray that this experience be the first step in using social media to preach the gospel, using a modern and engaging method,” said Daniel Brinzan. “We are grateful to God; all church buildings are closed, but ‘the word of God is not chained’ (2 Timothy 2:9); he opened a door ‘and no one can shut it’” (Revelation 3:8).


This article was originally published on the Inter-European Division’s news site

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