May 07, 2020  |  Yokohama, Japan  | 

Holy Bible open to the book of Daniel

A  group of young people, who had planned to participate in March’s Youth Rush program, but were unable to do so due to the coronavirus outbreak, came up with a new idea called Daniel Rush. Youth Rush is a student literature evangelism program of the Japan Union Conference. 

This program was designed to provide young people with an opportunity to grow spiritually and socially during the long quarantine in which they cannot attend school. Not wanting to waste time and idle at home, three college students and a Youth Rush program leader prayed for, discussed, and planned the Daniel Rush program in less than a week.

In the biblical book of Daniel, four young Hebrews were taken captive to Babylon. Instead of eating the exotic and impure foods of Babylon, Daniel and his friends asked to be given water to drink and vegetables to eat for ten days. The Daniel Rush program encourages all participants to take God seriously and try to introduce healthy lifestyle habits for ten days.

During the program, all communications and activities were carried out in an online group of Line, an instant communication application for mobile devices. Through word of mouth and personal invitations, 125 people joined the online program.

Every day, program leaders post health surveys and questionnaires to the group. Participants are also encouraged to learn more about the Bible and health through an online program. 

“Instead of finding excuses for not doing something and postponing healthy changes, Daniel Rush encourages participants to start with something they can do immediately,” said organizers. “We believe that the path of seeking health is closely related to the process of sanctification in the Christian walk.”

Since each person available online could participate when they had time, leaders reported that not only students, but also adults could participate. They had participants in a wide age range, from teens to people in their 70s.

Participants commented positively on their experience. “I was able to do my best, thanks to the support of the team!” said one of them. Another added, “Just by having a different attitude and being accountable, my day changed. I thank God for this opportunity.” A third wrote, “There are no young people my age in my church. Through Daniel Rush I was able to relate spiritually with young people my age. I am very happy! ”

When the ten-day program ended, the leaders said they are planning to repeat the experience for those who wish to do so. They are also planning to prepare a brochure with the testimonies of the participants

“In these difficult times of the coronavirus pandemic, we hope the testimonial booklet will motivate people in Japan,” the leaders said.

Through Daniel Rush, leaders hope they have turned the crisis into a new opportunity. They also hope that this is not the finish line but the starting line. 

“We pray that even after the ten days of Daniel Rush, young people continue to take the health message seriously and burn with passion for the mission of the gospel,” they said.

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