Vamos a Irak para aprender una lección de historia y escuchar información de Rick McEdward, presidente de la Unión del Medio Oriente y Norte de África. source
Sehee se mudó con su familia al campo, después de vivir en una gran ciudad de Corea del Sur. Su madre estaba feliz de mudarse. Pero Sehee no estaba muy…
Let’s journey to Iraq to learn a history lesson and hear insight from Rick McEdward, president of the Middle East North Africa Union. source
Sehee moved with her family to the countryside after living in a big city in South Korea. Her mom was excited about the move. But Sehee wasn’t so sure about…
Adventists throughout Northern Asia are finding ways to spread a message of hope throughout this territory. Find out how you can contribute through this quarter’s 13th Sabbath Offering! source
An urban center of influence in South Korea, revitalizing a local church in Taiwan, and plans for a dry bar in Portland, Oregon. Join us as we explore mission around…
Union College, une institution adventiste aux États-Unis, propose un diplôme tout à fait unique qui allie parfaitement l’aventure, l’éducation et le service. Rejoignez-nous pour un voyage en Alaska ! source
Union College, an Adventist institution in the United States, offers a very unique degree that has the perfect mix of adventure, education, and service. Join us on a journey to…
La Universidad Unión, una institución adventista de los Estados Unidos, ofrece una carrera única, que mezcla perfectamente la aventura, la educación y el servicio. ¡Acompáñenos en un viaje a Alaska!…
A Union College é uma instituição adventista nos Estados Unidos que oferece um curso único que tem a combinação perfeita entre aventura, educação e serviço. Junte-se a nós nesta viagem…