When you give to the 13th Sabbath Offering, you’re helping change people lives around the world. This quarter we’ll visit the Congo and Ethiopia to see how God will use…
Frank e Nicky correram para a Clínica Adventista de Kinshasa quando Nicky começou a sangrar muito. Os pais sabiam que o bebê ainda não estava pronto para nascer. source
Angela had a tumor growing in her stomach that caused her pain for two years. She didn’t know where to go for help until someone told her about the Adventist…
Vladimir is fearless! His job as a Global Mission pioneer requires him to be bold and share a special message in Moldova. source
When Juliana’s birthday came around, she didn’t want a birthday cake, she wanted to feed the homeless. When her mother resisted, Juliana found a way to overcome all obstacles and…
¡Hoy asistiremos a la clase de artesanía en cuero de Fortunato! Pero en esta clase, aprenderemos más que solo a hacer un cinturón o un bolso. Él nos enseñará una…
Today we’ll join Fortunato’s leather making class! But at this class, we’ll learn more than just how to make a belt or a bag. He’ll teach us a lesson from…
Josenildo used to drink and cause trouble in his neighborhood in Brazil. When the loud music and commotion from his house stopped one day, the neighbors got worried, only to…
From a cowboy in Peru, to a destroyed home in Brazil, God can use anyone or anything to share a message of hope with people. source
Juliana ne voulait pas de gâteau pour son anniversaire, elle préférait nourrir les sans-abri. Quand sa mère a protesté, Juliana a trouvé un moyen de surmonter tous les obstacles et…