In the 20 years since genocide, Rwanda has recovered more than most people could have imagined. The secret to their success: stabilizing the local economy through community-based farm cooperatives. The…

Watch A Closer Walk’s Any Lengths (Vanuatu) entire episode. Vanuatu is a tropical island chain comprised of white sand beaches, stunning sunsets, and lush foliage. But underneath the beauty is…

Watch the entire episode of A Closer Walk’s Philippines episode: Stronger than the Storm. In the Philippines, fishing is more than a hobby or even a job. It is hand-to-mouth…

Acts of God are not found in the storm, but in the response. Your action today means survival for millions around the world. Please give generously to support ADRA’s Disaster…

Watch a preview of A Closer Walk’s premiere episode: The Roma (Albania). For centuries the Roma have suffered discrimination, inequality, and abject poverty. Derogatively labeled “gypsies,” these people struggle for…