Uma aula animada com materiais de couro. Nesta aula, aprenderemos mais do que apenas fazer um cinto ou bolsa. Vamos aprender uma preciosa lição da Bíblia. source
Lives are being transformed in a busy city park. Find out how Adventists are meeting people’s physical and spiritual needs in Fiji. source
Des vies sont en train de se transformer dans une cité urbaine très animée. Découvrez comment les adventistes répondent aux besoins physiques et spirituels des habitants de Fidji. source
C’est une journée bien animée au parc ! Près de 70 personnes ont assisté à l’exposition sur la santé organisée par la communauté adventiste. Rejoignons-les en ce jour d’été. source
It’s a busy day at the park! Almost 70 people have come to experience the Adventist community health expo. Let’s join them on this summer day. source
Wesley has found a unique way to minister to people’s spiritual needs. He’s a snow cone vendor who is well known in his neighborhood. source
Adventists in the South Pacific spend Sabbath in many different ways, on various islands and countries. What they all have in common is a love for Jesus. Join us for…
When Juliana’s birthday came around, she didn’t want a birthday cake, she wanted to feed the homeless. When her mother resisted, Juliana found a way to overcome all obstacles and…
¡Hoy asistiremos a la clase de artesanía en cuero de Fortunato! Pero en esta clase, aprenderemos más que solo a hacer un cinturón o un bolso. Él nos enseñará una…