Abram La Rue, un pastor y leñador de los Estados Unidos, solo sabía que debía llevar las buenas nuevas a Asia en los años 1800. Hoy, esta región alberga a…

This week, we hear stories from around the world that happened during this week in Adventist history. source

Abram La Rue, um pastor e lenhador dos Estados Unidos, sabia que precisava levar as boas novas do evangelho à Ásia no século XIX. Hoje, esta região abriga 1,1 bilhão…

Atholton Adventist Academy students participated in “Go Green With ADRA,” to commemorate National Arbor Day, which is observed on the final week in April. ADRA launched the “Go Green With…

Abram La Rue, a shepherd and woodcutter from the United States, just knew he had to take the good news to Asia in the 1800s. Today, this region is home…

The Southern Asia-Pacific region is home to 1.1 billion people, including 1.7 million Adventists. Almost 90 percent of the division’s church membership live in Indonesia and the Philippines, making the…

La región del sur de Asia y el Pacífico es el hogar de 1.100 millones de personas, incluidos 1.7 millones de adventistas. Casi el 90 por ciento de los miembros…

This week, learn about Dr. Everet Witzel’s life of service and about some of the groundwork laid for the organization of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. source

A região do Sul da Ásia-Pacífico abriga 1,1 bilhão de pessoas, incluindo 1,7 milhão de adventistas. Quase 90 por cento dos membros da Igreja da divisão vivem na Indonésia e…

L’école internationale adventiste de Timor est, pour les enfants, une opportunité pour l’avenir et pour le développement futur de leur pays. Voyons comment votre contribution à l’offrande du 13e sabbat…

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