A Union College é uma instituição adventista nos Estados Unidos que oferece um curso único que tem a combinação perfeita entre aventura, educação e serviço. Junte-se a nós nesta viagem…
Les collines autour d’Ulaanbaatar, en Mongolie, sont couvertes de maisons aux couleurs vives et de yourtes traditionnelles. Voyons comment un couple de pionniers de la Mission globale a utilisé sa…
The hills around Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, are covered in brightly colored houses and traditional yurts, or gers. Let’s see how a Global Mission pioneer couple used their traditional home to minister…
This week we learn about William Ambrose Spicer (1865-1952), Adventist Church missionary and administrator. source
La colinas alrededor de Ulán Bator, Mongolia están cubiertas de casas de colores vivos y yurtas tradicionales o gers. Veamos cómo una pareja de pioneros de Misión Global usó su…
As colinas ao redor de Ulaanbaatar, na Mongólia, são cobertas por casas de cores vivas e yurts tradicionais. Vamos ver como um casal de pioneiros da Missão Global usou sua…
This week, we learn about some of the efforts that Alonzo T. Jones made to advocate for religious liberty. To learn more about Jones’ life, visit https://bit.ly/3sbXpHS. source
Thank you to all those who donated to ADRA’s 2021 #GivingTuesday campaign! Because of your generosity, ADRA will be able to walk alongside even more people in justice, compassion and…
This week we learn about Edgars Chernevskis, an Adventist from Latvia. source
This week, we learn about several Adventist schools from Adventist history (some of which still exist today!). source