A Seventh-day Adventist hospital in Brazil recently helped two patients feel more comfortable during their stays, bringing each a unique touch of home.

On August 14, the Adventist Hospital of São Paulo made gestures of extra care for the patients.

João da Cruz Reis, 85 years old, had a visit from Grifo, his cat. The animal had all its vaccines up to date and the visit was authorized by the infectologist and clinical director of the hospital, Dr. Dorival Duarte. Contact with the pet was a way to help him in his recovery. “I believe that small actions within the scope of hospitality end up having great benefits for patients. They can have a very big impact on patients’ mental health in combating the stress that hospitalization generates,” Duarte said.

Patient Michael Lima de Jesus also had something to celebrate that day. Hospitalized for 30 days due to trauma, hospital staff held a party in his room, celebrating his 31st birthday. Camila Boeno, a psychologist at the Adventist hospital, said no one who needs hospital care is in a favorable emotional state.

“The whole context of illness and anxiety causes a lot of suffering. The hospitality [offered here] must focus on minimizing the anguish of this entire process. The patient is not a bed number, but a human being who has needs beyond medicine,” she said.

This article was originally published on the South American Division’s Portuguese news site


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