As part of the 10 Days of Prayer and 10 Hours of Fasting, themed “God First” and promoted by the Seventh-day Adventist Church in northern Peru, Peruvian Union University (UPeU) is carrying out the national campaign Peru oro por ti (“Peru prays for you”).
In this sense, the administrative staff and health personnel of the Guillermo Almenara Irigoyen National Hospital in Lima, the second most prominent social security hospital in Peru, joined together to pray for patients who struggle every day against illness. In addition, this action shared hope with family members.
The Guillermo Almenara Irigoyen National Hospital has various services, such as outpatient, hospitalization, emergencies, and patient attendance in ICU and surgical wards.
Outside the hospital, deans, professors, faculty chaplains, and administrators sang songs while kneeling to pray and cry out to God. The hospital’s health personnel were heartened by this noble act of solidarity.
“It is a very good initiative [that] the Peruvian Union University is doing, to bring the message of God that we need so much. We, with our vocation of service, are there for our patients to give them quality care, and prayer is also important,” said Dr. Emperatriz Santa Cruz Benavente, manager of diagnostic and treatment assistance at the hospital.
In this way, the “Peru prays for you” campaign came to share the Word of God and comfort those who provide care. “We EsSalud employees who provide care have to have this little bit of sensitivity and have God with us to transmit it to our patients,” concluded Dr. Benavente.
Pastor Eduardo Bailon, vice rector of University Welfare, mentioned that through “Peru prays for you,” UPeU has already been carrying out this type of action in various institutions in the country. “We, being one of the institutions of the Adventist Church, go out to visit the community, hospitals, police personnel, and authorities to pray for them. It is good for people to know that there are others who are also praying for them,” he said.
In addition, several institutions were visited in the San Martin and Puno regions, such as the Provincial Municipality of San Martin, the College of Engineers of Peru CD Puno, UGEL San Roman, the Peruvian Army, the Peruvian National Police, the Provincial Municipality of San Roman, the College of Accountants of Peru, the Carlos Monge Medrano Hospital, and the College of Administrators.
The original version of this story was posted on the South American Division Spanish-language news site.