S eventh-day Adventists in Brazil have a new resource to introduce their children—and others—to the works of Ellen G. White, a pioneering co-founder of the movement. Nick’s Gift, an animated series aimed at youngsters, but suitable for all ages, has released its third season.

Those who followed the first two seasons of the animated series The Gift of Nick were able to learn about remarkable facts in the life of Ellen White and the biblical stories unraveled in the book The Chosen – a retelling of the work Patriarchs and Prophets, by White. The third season was released September 4 online at Feliz7Play .

This season, the boy Nick and his family bring the imagination back to the days of great biblical Old Testament characters. The references come from the book The Anointed, a Portuguese-language retelling of the classic Prophets and Kings . According to the series coordinator, Helio Carnassale, maturity is the highlight of the new episodes. “The videos are perfect in relation to the movement of the characters and the synchronism of the lips. We also see maturity in the scripts, with regard to the connections between facts of the daily life of Nick’s family and the stories presented in the books,” he said.

Carnassale serves as the South American director of the Adventist Church department responsible for preserving and publicizing Ellen White’s literary heritage. According to him, the series’ main purpose is to form in the public (children or even adults who are becoming familiar with the denomination) a positive view about White’s person and legacy, which contributed greatly to the biblical understanding and the formation of beliefs fundamental in the early days of Adventism. He even suggests that the material be used by parents as part of their children’s ecclesiastical education; adding that teachers of children’s classes in churches can create parallel activities, such as contests based on episodes.

This article was originally published on the South American Division’s Portuguese news site


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