A Seventh-day Adventist physician has revealed keys to keeping immunity high—something vital during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. The Portuguese- and Spanish-language broadcasts air on the church’s South American Division media outlets as well as social media.

To share guidance on this subject and help develop habits that promote health, “In High Immunity,” aired from August 31 to September 4, at 8 p.m. local time each evening. The program will air on Facebook pages Life and Health NT , I Life and Health , Adventist Brazil , in addition to hospitals and the denomination’s administrative headquarters. It will also be available on Instagram, in the querovidaesaude profile .

“We want to show how the eight natural remedies positively impact our immunity and the relationship they have with spirituality,” says Dr. Rogério Gusmão, director of the Adventist Church’s Health department for eight South American nation and coordinator of the initiative.

According to him, COVID-19 exposed the need to take care of health as a matter of survival. It also affected many people emotionally, leading many to surrender to a self-destructive during the quarantine period. Some, however, were able to implement real and definite changes for improvement. The point, Gusmão said, is almost nobody remained as before.

The daily programs, which show that change is possible, are moderated by Teru Gouveia, host of Life and Health program on the division’s version of the Church-owned Hope Channel. With him will be Guilherme Macedo, an orthopedist and director of the Adventist Hospital of Manaus , who will offer instruction on healthy living.

Priority attention

“You can’t risk eating badly, not exercising, not resting, not getting sun, or not developing spiritually. There never was a time when these needs were as important as today, ” Gusmao said.

Although in an unusual situation, Gusamo said people need to adapt to current realities. For this, among the suggested practices are ordering deliveries of fruits and vegetables to avoid exposure to the virus. At home, jump rope or similar aerobic exercise; get sun by the window or in a backyard, and take more time to pray. “Each one seeks God’s wisdom to put priorities in the right place and God gives wisdom to those who seek ( James 1: 5 ),” the physician said.

The purpose of Imunidade em Alta is also to get Internet users to become interested in the theme and join the course “The 8 remedies of Nature”, offered by Novo Tempo , which further explores the relevance and effectiveness of the eight natural remedies. It is available for free here.

This article was originally published on the South American Division’s Portuguese news site


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