T he Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Federal District of Brasilia, Brazil, held one of the largest solidarity events in the country in the form of a drive-in Church event. The event brought together more than 1,500 cars from Brasília and Entorno to the parking lot of the Mané Garrincha Stadium, in the capital of the country. Entitled “Uma Voz de Esperança”, the event took place on Saturday, August 22nd and collected about 6 tons of food to be donated to needy families.

The program took place during two separate sessions, the first at 5 pm and the second at 9 pm. Motivational songs and messages gave participants an opportunity to reflect on practical issues of life, the future, and hope. Viewers observed the event from inside

their cars, ensuring the safety this pandemic demands.

At the entrance to the event, each vehicle donated food and was then parked at a strategic point pre-defined by the organizing team. In this way, each occupant was able to observe the program, which also included baptisms.

Speech Therapist Raquel Cisesk celebrated being able to meet again with friends, even if separated because of social distancing measures. “For people who are mothers with children who cannot go to church at the moment, it was a euphoria to be here. We only attended services at home and this event gave us the opportunity to attend in person. The event was great and brought hope in this difficult time that we are going through” she declared.

The program was attended by the president of the Adventist Church for eight countries in South America, Erton Köhler, as well as other leaders of the denomination and by Christian musical groups and singers, such as Art’trio, Dilson and Débora, Jeferson Pillar and Turma of our little friend. Brasília authorities also watched the activities.

Commitment to solidarity

The president of the Adventist Church for Brasília and surrounding area, Max Schuabb, explains the event was designed to bring people together and encourage the solidarity of members. “Many people cannot go to church yet, due to illness or fear, and having this meeting shows that the Church is united, mainly in the mission of taking care of each other and saving people” he highlights.

The food collected will be distributed through the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA), the humanitarian arm of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The Planalto Central Adventist Church has come together to support the organization’s actions in the face of the pandemic. All local churches are mobilized to provide food and continue the work of gathering supplies for families who are in vulnerable situations. During the pandemic period alone, more than 920 tons of food have been distributed.

“We understand that as a Church we can embrace the communities in which we operate, and with the support of the local churches and ADRA, we can serve them better,” said Jeconias Neto, Director of ADRA Brasília. “This event brought moments of joy and satisfaction, of hope and solidarity.”

This article was originally published on the South American Division’s Portuguese news site


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