Today we’ll be talking with Nancy Kyte about the country of Benin in West Africa. We’ll see how some Korean Adventists are literally touching the lives of lepers in China….
From the heart of the city of Melbourne, Australia. Pastor Roy and his family encounter a new and diverse group while they venture into church planting. source
Visit the house Ellen G. White lived while working as a missionary in Australia. source
Cooking with Nancy and Kayla in Mission 360º kitchen! source
Visit the South American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, one of the fastest growing segments of the world church. source
A Life Hope Center opens in downtown Nazareth in Israel. Some of the activities there include English language, computer classes, and health teaching. source
A mobile clinic in Mexico is the perfect way to bring healthcare to those who can’t visit a regular doctor. Let’s go to Villahermosa to join one of the bus…
ADRA provides a number of creative solutions to assist people in New Zealand. source
In Bangladesh, thousands of Rohingya refugees have settled in camps. The ADRA International president visits one of these camps to share the challenges and what ADRA is doing to help….
When Juliana’s birthday came around, she didn’t want a birthday cake, she wanted to feed the homeless. When her mother resisted, Juliana found a way to overcome all obstacles and…