À Oslo, les jeunes adventistes apprécient les relations sociales et la communauté. Découvrez comment votre offrande de 13ème sabbat en 2017 a aidé les jeunes de Norvège à se lier…

Making bread takes time and patience. It’s the same with people—it takes time and patience to cultivate trust and friendship to warm their lives and invite them to follow Jesus….

A church in Spain started with only three families. Now, some 100 people attend regularly! source

Agnieszka loved nature, but she was easily frightened, especially of gobbly-gobbling turkeys. Find out what happens when she runs into a group of turkeys on her way to school! source

Quand les médecins ont dit à Resta qu’il avait un diabète de type 2, il ne savait pas exactement quoi faire. Il a immédiatement pris trois médicaments mais aucun d’eux…

When doctors told Resta he had type 2 diabetes, he had no idea what to do. He was immediately put on three medications, and none of them seemed to help….

Rocha attended parties, started drinking, and went to clubs until he ran into a friend who invited him to church. Then Jesus’ love touched his heart. source

Rocha iba a fiestas, comenzó a beber e iba a clubes, hasta que conoció a un amigo que lo invitó a la Iglesia. Poco después el amor de Jesús tocó…

Rocha participou de festas, começou a beber e foi a clubes até encontrar um amigo que o convidou para ir à igreja. Logo depois, o amor de Jesus tocou seu…

Elias et Melina ont quitté leur domicile en Argentine et se sont installés sur l’île méditerranéenne de Chypre. Ils sont devenus des bénévoles adventistes et gèrent maintenant un centre urbain…

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