Malgré la croissance rapide et le développement économique de Battambang, de nombreux résidents sont confrontés à la pauvreté, au manque d’accès aux soins de santé et à des difficultés sociales….

Despite the fast-paced growth and economic development in Battambang, many residents experience poverty, lack of access to healthcare, and social challenges. The Seventh-day Adventist Church sees these challenges as opportunities…

A pesar del acelerado crecimiento y desarrollo económico de Battambang, muchos residentes experimentan pobreza, falta de acceso al sistema de salud, y desafíos sociales. La Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día…

Apesar do crescimento acelerado e do desenvolvimento econômico em Battambang, muitos residentes vivenciam a pobreza, a falta de acesso a cuidados de saúde e desafios sociais. A Igreja Adventista do…

Today we’ll be talking with Cheryl Doss, the director for the Institute of World Mission. Cheryl and her husband Gorden have a long family pedigree of mission service and served…

Today we’ll be talking with Cheryl Doss, the director for the Institute of World Mission. Every year Cheryl and her team help the Adventist Church’s international workers learn how to…

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