Sunil estaba trabajando en la oficina cuando comenzó a sentirse mareado. Rápidamente fue llevado al hospital y se enteró de que su vida nunca sería la misma. source
Sunil was working in the office when he started feeling dizzy. He was rushed to the hospital and learned that his life would never be the same. source
During the 1970’s, a young missionary couple went to Cambodia during a turbulent time in the country’s history. Join us as G.T. and Ivy Ng revisit Cambodia and Vietnam after…
Adventists in the South Pacific spend Sabbath in many different ways, on various islands and countries. What they all have in common is a love for Jesus. Join us for…
From the heart of the city of Melbourne, Australia. Pastor Roy and his family encounter a new and diverse group while they venture into church planting. source
Visit the house Ellen G. White lived while working as a missionary in Australia. source
Cooking with Nancy and Kayla in Mission 360º kitchen! source
Visit the South American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, one of the fastest growing segments of the world church. source
A Life Hope Center opens in downtown Nazareth in Israel. Some of the activities there include English language, computer classes, and health teaching. source