Los pioneros de Misión Global son plantadores de iglesias que impactan las comunidades de una forma positiva. La pasión de este pionero es trabajar por Cristo y acercarse a sus…

Os pioneiros da Missão Global são plantadores de igrejas que impactam suas comunidades de maneira positiva. A paixão desse pioneiro é trabalhar para Cristo através de um relacionamento com as…

Do you know what a missionary is? Karen didn’t think she was one or could ever be. source

An original Southern Asian style song by Padma Medidi. source

The Butterfly Church in Taiwan, a mobile clinic in Mexico, and the answer to the question: What is a missionary? source

Yoriko participates in the Youth Rush program to knock on doors, sell books and give Bible studies. source

Leilani a dédié un an après ses études à l’université pour devenir étudiante missionnaire. Elle savait qu’elle voulait servir à l’étranger mais ne savait pas où Dieu voulait qu’elle aille,…

Leilani took a year from studying at her university to become a student missionary. She knew she wanted to serve overseas but didn’t know where God wanted her to go,…

Getting an Adventist education in Ukraine when it was under the control of the Soviet Union was not just difficult–it was impossible. The city of Bucha was no exception, but…

Leilani dejó de estudiar por un año en su universidad para convertirse en una estudiante misionera. Ella sabía que quería servir lejos, pero no sabía adónde quería Dios que fuera,…

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