Learn about many of the events happening in the Seventh-day Adventist Church during this week in Adventist history. source

John was a bright, young student in Malawi. From his teenage years to his time at the university, John learned firsthand the difference Adventist schools make in people’s lives. source

John était un jeune étudiant brillant qui vivait au Malawi. Dès son adolescence jusqu’à son parcours à l’université, John a personnellement expérimenté l’impact unique qu’ont les écoles adventistes sur la…

John era un joven y brillante estudiante de Malawi. Desde su adolescencia hasta su época de universitario, John aprendió -por experiencia- la diferencia que las escuelas adventistas producen en la…

John era um inteligente estudante em Malawi. Desde a adolescência, John aprendeu a diferença que as Escolas Adventistas fazem na vida das pessoas. source

When Ricardo was 10, he had an accident while jumping over a fence. He didnu2019t notice a thin metal wire on the other side of the fence, and it caused…

This week, we learn about a short-lived Adventist periodical, the Benghazi Adventist Hospital, and about the first Seventh-day Adventist to die as the result of a Sunday law in the…

Aos 10 anos, Ricardo sofreu um acidente ao pular uma cerca. Ele não notou um fio de metal fino do outro lado da cerca e isso o fez bater de…

Cuando Ricardo tenía 10 años, sufrió un accidente al saltar una cerca. No se dio cuenta de que había un alambre al otro lado de la cerca, lo que lo…

Quand Ricardo avait 10 ans, il a fait un accident en sautant par-dessus une clôture. Il n’a pas remarqué qu’il y avait un fil de fer fin de l’autre côté…

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